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Roof Light / Velux Window Loft Conversion

Rooflight-ConversionVelux are the leading manufacturer of roof windows with over 60 years experience. The name Velux has become synonymous with this type of conversion, which is generally very cost effective and does not normally need planning permission.

Velux windows are installed to fit flush with the line of the roof, leaving the existing roof structure untouched. As they do not require extensive alterations, this option helps to keep costs down. As the loft is not extended beyond the original roof line, planning permission is not normally required (but you should still check with your local planning department before proceeding with any works).

A Velux loft conversion works very well for lofts where there is a good amount of headroom, or if there are constraints on planning, for example if you live in a conservation area. If headroom is going to be limited then either a dormer or mansard conversion may be a better option. Velux roof-lights can be fitted quickly and easily meaning there is minimal disruption, or delays due to bad weather.

As Velux windows are installed at the angle of the roof, rather than vertically, they can let in a surprising amount of light. This is great during the day and will give you a light and airy room.  For optimal use during the summer and at night you may wish to consider installing tailor made thermal blinds. If this is something you would like to take forward, let us know and we can work with you to achieve your desired finish.

Dormer Loft Conversion


A dormer loft is an extension to the existing roof, allowing for additional floor space and

headroom within the loft conversion. Dormers protrude from the roof slope, normally at the rear of the property and can be built in a variety of styles. Internally, a dormer will have a horizontal ceiling and vertical walls compared to the normal diagonal sides of a conversion. In lofts that have limited space or headroom, a dormer will provide the additional space that can make a conversion feasible.
Flat roof dormers tend to give the maximum amount of additional internal space, although they do not look as attractive from outside the property. Gable fronted and hipped roof dormers look much more attractive but they often do not give as much internal space and will cost more to build due to the extra complexity.

There are different types of dormer:

  • Gable fronted dormer – these are sometimes called a dog house dormer
  • Hipped roof dormer – a dormer with a hipped roof
  • Flat roof dormer – you guessed it – it has a flat roof!
  • Shed dormer – a single planed roof that is pitched at a shallow angle to the main roof

This option is most suitable where the existing loft space is too small for the proposed conversion. It creates additional headroom for the staircase and new room(s) desired. If an additional bathroom is proposed along with the rooms, the increased height created by the Dormer provides the additional height required for the bathroom fittings.

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