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An extension can be the ideal solution if you require more living space. When an extension is done correctly, it can be a very cost-effective and practical way to utilise unused space into. However, before you commence with your extension, you will need to establish what kind of extensions you would like to have constructed.

Single Storey

Extending your home with a single storey extension as opposed to moving to a new house can prove to be a more economic and satisfactory solution that suits your family’s present and future needs. A new extension is a sensible investment that can add to the value of your home and provide the additional internal space required enabling you to make the most effective use of your accommodation.

single storey extensionMany more people are now considering extending their properties as an alternative to moving home, as the costs of buying and selling property are so prohibitive. However, this significant investment can prove to be very daunting without the professional advice to help you make the right choices.

Burbidge Construction can take the initiative and help you to make an informed decision on the most suitable extension that will provide you with space and flexibility within your home. The addition of a single storey extension can add significant value to your home, and help you turn your house into the home you’ve always wanted.

single storey extension is a very popular means of gaining extra space within your home, often providing a larger kitchen, lounge, dining room or alternatively adding a utility room, family room or new office. Whatever your reasons for extending, you want to be sure that the process is well managed and to the highest standards. Extending your home with a single storey extension as opposed to moving to a new house can prove to be a economical and satisfactory solution, that suits your family’s present and future needs. A new extension is a sensible investment that can add to the value of your home and provide the additional internal space required, enabling you to make the most effective use of your accommodation.

Double Storey Extension

two storey extension can make a substantial difference to your home, not only giving you extra space in your lounge, kitchen, dining room or other living areas, but also increasing the available bedroom accommodation or providing an additional bathroom. This type of extension often gives you enough space to avoid having to move home, at a cost which is far more affordable.

Whatever your reasons for extending, you want to be sure that the process is as trouble free as

possible, with minimum disruption to your daily routine.On most extensions the initial building works can be carried out from outside your existing property, and only breaking through into the existing living area when necessary. Although a double storey extension can be a major project, Plan-it Construction can make sure it is well planned so that it causes as little disruption to everyday life as possible.

All our extensions come fully project managed and with a full detailed construction and cost programme, making sure that all our customers know exactly what is taking place from start to completion.

Side Return Extension

A side return extension is usually used to create extra space in existing rooms or to re-arrange your interior floor plan to create extra space that could include: bedrooms, bathrooms or living space. A Side return extensions can also be combined with rear extensions to form a wrap-around extension.

size-of-your-homeAlthough wrap-around extensions are often more time-consuming and can cause a high amount of disturbance, they offer great rewards by allowing the maximum amount of flexibility to re-organise the existing layout of your home to met you exact needs.

Burbidge Construction solutions are experienced in producing high quality wrap around and single storey extensions that are tailored to our customers every need. All our projects are fully project managed so that your project runs as smooth as possible, with minimum disruption to your daily schedule.

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